VIREA - Promote sustainable development of Vietnam's industrial real estate

In early 2024, the Vietnam Industrial Real Estate Association (VIREA) under the Vietnam Real Estate Association (VNREA) has just officially come into operation. This is an organization that plays an important role in promoting the sustainable development of the industrial real estate industry in Vietnam.
In early 2024, the Vietnam Industrial Real Estate Association (VIREA) under the Vietnam Real Estate Association (VNREA) has just officially come into operation. This is an organization that plays an important role in promoting the sustainable development of the industrial real estate industry in Vietnam.
VIREA's mission is to always improve practical benefits for its members; Applying green transformation trends and applying high technology to create sustainable value for the industrial real estate industry; at the same time, creating added value for the business community and society.
In particular, VIREA also promotes the development of the Circular Economy model in Industrial Parks (IZs) - one of the top priorities to promote waste management, optimize resources, and preserve the environment. protect the environment, as well as respond to climate change in the next stage of the country's development.
The circular economy is pioneering competitiveness programs for many different sectors. In an industrial park, the circular economy is a system of interaction between businesses and infrastructure in the area, to optimize resource use and minimize environmental impact. Industrial parks can promote resource recycling and enhance competitiveness through innovative technologies and business models. To support these initiatives, VIREA acts as a bridge between businesses, governments and international organizations, creating an environment of positive cooperation and sustainable development for the industrial real estate industry.
According to Mr. Truong Gia Bao - Vice President of VIREA, the circular economy is not only beneficial to the environment but also brings economic efficiency, thereby improving the competitiveness of industrial parks and land leasing businesses. Implementing circular economy principles in industrial parks requires creativity in approaches. In particular, Eco-Industrial Parks (EIPs) as well as the technologies and business models applied in EIPs are all important foundations to replicate the circular economy approach and help grow green industry. sustainable and resilient.
In Vietnam, the ecological industrial park model has been clearly stated by the Government in Decree No. 35/2022/ND-CP dated May 28, 2022 on the management of industrial parks and economic zones, as well as regulations related to circular economy in the law on environmental protection.
Currently, VIREA has gathered almost all units with large-scale and professional industrial real estate in Vietnam such as: VSIP, Amata, Deep C, WHA, Sonadezi, Long Duc, BW, Viglacera, Kinh Bac , Long Hau, Long Thanh, Ascendas, Thanh Cong… They all share the same desire to gather intelligence and create an official community to further develop the industrial real estate segment in Vietnam.
Saigon New Day
Từ khóa : Liên Chi Hội Bất Động Sản Công Nghiệp Việt Nam, VIREA, Hiệp hội Bất động sản Việt Nam, VNREA, ngành bất động sản công nghiệp