Ms. Nguyen Thi Thu Trang – Lawyer, Managing director Vilex Law Firm - I‘m Not Giving My Children Enough Time

From the role of internal responsibility in the family range, today’s women have asserted their value by their career and their lifting up themselves. On the occasion of International Women’s Day March 8, many women coming in the special issue "Women and Desire" will be sharing many interesting things about work and their life view.
As I know, Tam Chung Law Firm has got over 20 years’ working in Vietnam, will you share more about the company?
We work on legal area of investment, marine insurance, logistics, commerce…Our clients are mostly businesses. Apart from consultancy and participation in the proceedings of the famous court cases, the lawyers of Tam Chung - with their job experience and teaching at big universities – have written and published the valuable thematic books that have got high esteem, such as: Solution for Disputes of Maritime Contracts; Some Issues on Insurance Sales Contract, Sea Chartering in Foreign Trade; Shipowners and Cargo; Maritime Law - Fundamentals; Aviation Law - Fundamentals…
What do you think about today’s women?
Women nowadays don’t merely play the role of housewives like before. It seems the boundary in education and career development between women and men has almost vanished. I’ve found women nearly participate in all areas of economic-social life, even in the realms believed most difficult and most hazardous.
For women who are mothers, whatever positions they’ve got in community, “being a mother” has no higher positions. As a matter of fact, as they are dedicated to the position, women’s career path has got certain adversity and disadvantage compared to male. However, women have been very successful.
How do you balance your time for the family and work, community?
I always try to have dinner with the family, at least. My work nature sometimes asks me to work in the evening, therefore I always try to be on the laptop next to my children doing homework to have more time with them (I don’t want them to do tutoring class). I actually find myself not giving them enough time. I don’t feel at rest, because of this.
Saigon New Day
Từ khóa : Luật sư Nguyễn Thị Thu Trang, Luật Tâm Chung